Andrew’s Feast Day

Photo-A-Day #3881

Andrew's First Feast Day

Today was Andrew’s first Feast Day at school. Four years ago when Andrew arrived we were in the hospital when Eva had her Feast Day. Auntie Tara went with her to that one. Feast Day is one very special day for the kids at the school. Some kids dress as Native Americans and some as Pilgrims. Andrew was a Pilgrim. The first thing he did when he came upstairs to the hall he asked if he could take off his costume. I wouldn’t let him take off the costume and he settled down and enjoyed the festivities. The kids helped make applesauce, pumpkin bread and stew.

Andrew was a big fan of the food. When it was time to go to story time he kept going back to the table to finish his food. He’s definitely my kid. What made this even more clear was that after everyone was finished with the story time and the kids headed home Andrew was still working on his food and I had another bowl of the stew. At least we got our lunch out of the way.

With Lunch done we headed over to Target to do some shopping for our trip to the Christmas Farm Inn tomorrow. On the way there we stopped by Briggs Nursery because they had a playground. We played for a while and I got this cute photo of Andrew in the slide.

Sweet Slide