The #KingOfRest Will Rest on His Restonic Brio Tonight

The King of Rest
Photo-A-Day #4094

Today my Dad came over and helped me remove our old mattress and foundation. I won a Restonic Brio Mattress a while back. I won the #KingOfRest mattress giveaway that happened with all the guys who were working on the campaign. I had so much fun working on that campaign. Restonic was so involved with us and they were so responsive. I was thrilled to win the Mattress and while it took too long for me to get my act together and remove the old mattress and foundation, it has finally been done. I am looking forward to tonight’s sleep. I’ve tested out the mattress already and it feels so good, and the new foundation that I bought today does not creak with every movement. I wish this had been our setup when we moved in and all those times when the bed creaked over and over and woke the sleeping kids.

I’ll certainly report back on how my night’s sleep was.

A Surprise Gift From I Am Elemental

Eva with Courage and the new accessories
Photo-A-Day #4093

We received a very special package in the mail today from I Am Elemental. They saw our video where Eva reviewed The Elements of Courage figures as well as the Courage figure herself. The care package contained a Courage figure, a Bravery figure, an I Am Elemental baseball hat, a sticker and three 3D printed pieces from Shapeways. I am Elemental has been working on some accessories that can be 3D printed through Shapeways. We received a pair of wings, a pedestal and a clip for the wings. These are just some of the pieces that I am elemental has been experimenting with creating.

It is a nice gift to tide us over until the release of the next series from I Am Elemental. We are very excited to be able to play with the Elements of Wisdom.