Disclosure: I have partnered with Life of Dad and Restonic Mattress for this promotion.
Exercise helps me get ready for rest.
I consider myself many things. A good Father and Husband. A fan of the 80’s and so many toys. I also consider myself the King of Rest. There are many who are vying for this title but they do not face the challenges that I do each week in getting proper rest. Sure, these other dads have to take care of their homes and their families which can be exhausting. Sure, some of them have jobs that they do on top of their familial duties. I am not these other dads. I am unique in my week and my quest for rest. I’m also writing this at 3:30am. Find out why in the rest of this post.
My work week actually begins on Friday. After a full day with my son that usually begins around a 6am wake up call I head in to work for a 12 hour overnight shift. Fridays are usually spent in search of an hour or two of shuteye. The only way to achieve this is to also get Andrew to have an hour or two of shuteye. This, more often than not, does not happen. So I am awake for a 24 hour period each week. I want to have more sleep, it makes me a nicer person and way less irritable. Lack of sleep makes for a scream-y daddy.

Why Won’t He Let Me Sleep?
Being awake for a 24 hour period each week makes me appreciate sleep so much. I often make up those lost hours by taking catnaps anywhere and everywhere. However, my strange sleeping habits and schedule do not end there. I still have two more nights of work ahead of me. Also in that time I get to the gym and also church with the family. I’ve been in this position for five years now and have become an expert at sleeping during the day and at night all week long. This means that I can flip from weekend mode to weekday mode without any major problems like sleepless nights or sleepless days. None of the other so called Kings of Rest can claim this ability.
Continue reading This #KingofRest Faces Many Sleep Challenges →