Photo-A-Day #4290
I went to go and use my Samsung NX500 today and the part of the camera that flips up, the screen, seemed off. Part of the flip up screen was not working properly and the next thing I know I was this close to holding just the screen in my hands. I guess all the times that I flipped it up and down to record I made it weaker. So, for now it has been “fixed” with some superglue. I am not sure exactly if it will remain fixed but I will be much more careful with each video that I create. I really like the whole Flip up Screen option for it because it has helped me make good videos for my Transformers comic book review show.
I have more toy reviews happening soon. I picked up some of the VS. Rip Warriors because that looked like something fun to play with. I think that Andrew is going to love it and the battle platform should allow the two of us to play easily. I should have something for that soon.