Photo-A-Day #4393
Day two of Philly BrickFest was crazy busy and went by so quickly. Brian and I got there early and set up the tables. He has three MOCs with him including the Sea Cow from The LEGO movie which he made into a restaurant. We featured it in the show in the episode – Lego City Update #12 – Brick Island City – Modulars and Mocs. He also brought the Police Station that he made and modified which was featured in Lego Police Station MOC – Behind the MOC. The last couple items were the 50’s Dinner that was featured in the episode: Lego City Update #4 – Brick Island City – Modulars and Mocs and a working Pokéball that Steve made that was featured in the episode: Pokémon Go Custom LEGO Pokéball. We spent the day talking to people about the Built from Bricks show and explaining what Brian did to make those MOCs.
We also LiveStreamed our table on YouTube for almost 4 hours. We’ll be doing some more of that tomorrow as well.
For the bulk of the day I built two LEGO Star Wars First Order Transporter sets #75103. Brian and I won the sets last night at the bowling event. They were half built so I tore them all down and started over. I organized all the pieces in two separate parts of the table and then I took my Samsung Gear 360 and set up a Timelapse of my side by side simultaneous build of the sets. I put it into today’s video but sped it up even more. I forgot to attach a battery to charge it up but it and so it died with me only have a very few bricks left to go on each set. I then let the camera charge for a bit and I finished up.
In between that I went and picked up lunch at Jersey Mike’s. My sandwich was great and so was Brian’s… at first. He ended up not feeling well so I took over the table and talking to all the last minute people about the MOCs and the show. Our table was cool because we were doing things and interacting with the kids and parents. We also had Brian’s Surface Pro playing the show on a loop through some decent speakers so people could check out the show, too. We ran out of cards so I picked up a poster board, cheap frame and some Command Strips. I am really happy with my really quick and dirty sign and stand. It was very inexpensive, too. Next time we bring a real sign.
The rest of the day was for the exhibitors and people who had those badges. I had an all access badge so I had part of a table as well as access to all the fun after hours activities. One of those activities was a Brick Pong where we played Beer Pong for LEGO bricks. Brian and I won the first round and because of that we won a LEGO Jr. set and were up for playing the winner of the next round for a huge set. We did not end up winning that one, which stunk because that was a huge set with nearly 800 pieces and would have been fun to build. However, we had fun playing and won some individual bricks for our collections. We turned in after that.Tomorrow is going to be a busy and long one.