Photo-A-Day #4455
Today was an interesting day of parenting mishaps. I am not going to say failures because each time we learn from what happens and we try our best to correct things. Let’s start with the morning. For the weeks leading up to the release of Wonder Woman I have been excited, very excited. I was excited not so much for the movie but because Eva wanted to go and see it with me. I picked her up a great Wonder Woman shirt and she had Allison do up her hair in curls. She was excited to attend a movie with Dad. I was thrilled because this was something that I enjoyed and she wanted to be a part of it. I also heard so much about the movie being empowering for girls and how Wonder Woman’s character was a great role model character.
These things are true. The thing that made this trip go sideways was the fact that my daughter is an extremely sensitive and compassionate person. The previews were for some R rated shoot em up movies, a global devastation movie and Murder on the Orient Express. She huddled in her chair afraid of the loud noises and music. Eyes closed and ears plugged. I reassured her that the previews would be over soon and we would get to the movie and it wouldn’t be as scary.
I was wrong.