Photo-A-Day #4715
There are five LEGO Marvel Super Heroes micro builds out there and they are really fun. They are the two Quinjets, a Milano, The Talon from Black Panther and the Guardian’s ship from the upcoming Avengers Infinity War. I have three of these and am hoping to find the Guardian’s ship soon. It will be interesting to compare the two ships as this one is in the style of The Milano but it is not that ship. I also want the larger set that had that ship so I can compare it to the other two Milanos that were released.
The two sets pictured are nice. The Milano is so well done in microscale. It looks perfect. The Talon is also nice and it uses Star-Lord’s blasters as the wings on the sides of the ship. I now have 10 additional blasters in my collection. I may have to pic up another set just to get more blasters.