Review: Glove-A-Bubbles from ZING – Super Fun Backyard Bubbles Toy

Eva and Andrew with Glove-A-Bubbles

Zing sent us a bunch of Glove-A-Bubbles to try out and review. Opinions are our own. Affiliate links to are also present.

Kids love Bubbles, of that there is no doubt in my mind. they just love being able to blow bubbles, chase bubbles and even try to catch bubbles in their hands. As a parent, I am often resistant to bubbles because when the kids are small they can’t actually blow bubbles and you end up blowing them for the kids. Taking a tiny wand and trying to blow bubbles over and over until you are lightheaded and covered with slippery soap water isn’t my idea of fun. That is why I am a fan of Glove-A-Bubbles.

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