Another Great Year at the Faire!

Andrew and Eva at the Faire

For the past several years the family has been guests of King Richard at King Richard’s Faire in Carver, MA. This Renaissance Faire has been been operating for 37 seasons so far. I’ve heard from many people who have attended over the years. It is time to get back and visit the Realm once again. As I stated, we have been guests of King Richard many years, and this means that we are provided tickets to enter the Faire free of charge. We still have to purchase our food and there are always souvenirs that the kids take home.

With the Drummer

When we arrived we missed the opening welcome with the cast. We were a couple of minutes late. We were, however, greeted by a few citizens of the realm. One was a drummer that we had met many times in the past. Hi name is Dave Schneider, and he is there every year. Five years ago when we were wheeling Andrew around the Faire in the stroller he helped soothe the savage little beast (he wasn’t really a beast but he was quite upset at being put into the stroller). He let Andrew play the drums a bit and that made him happy. I will always remember that. It helped calm me as well. Continue reading Another Great Year at the Faire!

Absolute Family Hilarity with Jeff Foxworthy’s New Board Game Relative Insanity

Relative Insanity - Gameplay

We received a copy of the new PlayMonster game called Relative Insanity for free to play and review. The game was created by Jeff Foxworthy based on many of his jokes from his comedy specials. Opinions about the game are 100% our own.

Last week we had my in-laws staying with us for a few days. I was planning on having a few people over so that we could give Relative Insanity a try. I was kinda hesitant to play it with my Mother In-Law because the game was all about silly family jokes and I know that a Mother-In-Law joke was going to be in there at some point.

The premise of the game is that everyone has at least one crazy family member. If you don’t think you do, then that means it’s YOU! In Relative Insanity, a new party game created by comedian Jeff Foxworthy. Featuring his relatable humor, Jeff wrote the game based on his family – its’ better to laugh at the craziness that happens in the family, and that’s what this game does! Continue reading Absolute Family Hilarity with Jeff Foxworthy’s New Board Game Relative Insanity