Decorating the Gingerbread House

Decorating the Gingerbread House

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00357

I picked up a pre-made Gingerbread House from Target for the kids to decorate. We continue on with our yearly traditions that have really becomes something around here. It is very easy to go about the holiday season and think, “Oh they don’t have to do that this year”. Only then to find out that this was something very special and cannot be missed. That is the Gingerbread house decorating. The kids love doing it each year and if we don’t have one they are not happy about that fact. This year Target had them already made and they were nice and solid.

I was asked by Andrew when we would be decorating ours and at the time I had just decided that we were not going to need to get oen this year. Wrong. I headed out to Target and found the house and then some great decorations for it. Then as I was putting my cart away I noticed that the random cart in the parking lot had an open package of gum drops in it. So I took that, too. I warned everyone that they were not to eat them because they had been opened. That was, everyone in my house, Allison and the kids. Andrew announces it to everyone when they look at the house.

The kids did a nice job decorating the house and they each took one end and one side to do as their own.

Then There Were the Mini Trees

Mini Trees

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00356

Looking around the house and realizing that we have a lot of decorating traditions around Christmas. Both of the kids have mini Christmas trees. Each year they get a new special ornament for the tree. We try and find something from Hallmark that represents what they were into that year. We have lots of interesting ornaments from narwhals to Elsa from Frozen. Andrew can’t get enough out of pushing all the buttons of the ornaments that make noise. We often hear “Let if Go” get belted out a few times a night. I missed the kids putting these up this year. It is fun looking through all the ornaments that they each have and seeing what gets put on the trees. I’ll take a closer look during the week.