In an Episode of Little House

Sewing Skirts

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00478

Here at the house we are getting so much use out of Allison’s grandmother’s sewing machine. Allison is making mask after mask and Eva is experimenting with different projects. Today she got started on creating a skirt. She had some old linen curtains that we no longer were using and so she used that as her “rough draft” of her first skirt. After that she moved on to some better fabric to make a more refined skirt. I think she was doing pretty well right out of the gate.

Announcing: ArtsEmerson – Together Apart: Explore New Worlds from Your Home

Together Apart

I just got this press release yesterday and so some of the performances have already come and gone but there are plenty more happening. ArtsEmerson has a series called Together Apart: Explore New Worlds from Your Home where they will stream some of the performances and interviews with creators of very interesting performances. In a time when theater goes cannot go to the theater ArtsEmerson is making many performances and special events digital and free of charge for people to enjoy Together, yet Apart. Take a look at all that is happening below. Nt that many of the events are able to be seen after they stream live.

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