Green Hair, Don’t Care

Green Hair

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00539

With the end of the school year Eva was given permission to dye the tips of her hair. She chose green based on a character from a book she read recently. I think that it is great that she is so into books and the characters become so alive for her. This was a series that she read and has not heard on audio yet. I had Audible credits so I bought that series s I can listen to them and learn more about the character.

Andy also had his hair colored. He got red and a little trim from me. He was so excited for his red hair and even more excited that they noticed it at Karate.

Camp DreamWorks Begins Today!

Camp Dreamworks

Today marks the beginning of Camp DreamWorks. This will be a multi-week set of activities for kids to enjoy this Summer. Tings like learning to draw, dance parties and so much more are on the way. Each week there will be many new activities and I will keep you informed about them. You can learn more about Camp DreamWorks at their website And more from the video below.

This week’s schedule has drawing, pancake art, smoothies and so much more! Check it out and enjoy!

Camp DreamWorks Schedule