Kidnapped Dino

There you are

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00601

Almost a year ago I stopped working on Built from Bricks. Brian had given me this LEGO dinosaur so that I could make some stop motion thing with it for the show intro. I never got around to doing it. I also forgot to get the dino back to him. I need to do that. For now the dino sits on my desk in a Melissa and Doug wooden pot for a toy kitchen because that is what I am using to hold lemon drops. It sits there, staring at me wondering when it can go home again.

LEGO Super Mario Accessories

Mario Mushroom

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00600

I was in Target the other day and saw all of the LEGO Super Mario sets that they had and was tempted to get one for Andy because he did express that he wanted to get the starter set. They had these small bags with this little set which would be fine if Andy decided that he did not actually want to have the Mario LEGO set in the end. He does, though and we ordered it. He’s buying it himself. He seems really excited about it, too. I knew that he liked Mario but not as much as this. He had wanted me to get the LEGO NES set but that was pretty expensive so I opted not to do that. He wanted me to get it because you can make the Super Mario LEGO set interact with the Nintendo NES LEGO set. Maybe some day.