Says It All With One Word

Says it with one word
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00738

Funko sent me this Ash Hot Topic Exclusive Funko Pop! figure for free to check out and review. Opinions are my own.

I was in college the first time I saw Army of Darkness starring Bruce Campbell. I wasn’t so sure about watching it because it was part of the Evil Dead series and I am not a horror movie kind of guy. This movie was different, however. While it did have some crazy scary looking characters it was not horror in the way that I had known horror movies. It wasn’t a slasher movie or something like that. This move was fun and funny as all get out because of Bruce Campbell’s performance as Ash. So, in Evil Dead 2 Ash gets his hand infected with Evil so he hacks it off and attaches a chainsaw to it to fight the evil. In Army of Darkness he is pulled into either a another dimension or into the past. I am not sure which. He’s a man out of time and fish out of water but it doesn’t faze him at all. He rolls with it and makes a bunch of mistakes and ultimately splits into two characters, Ash and Evil Ash. He gets a new mechanical hand and is touting his “Boom Stick” all over the place. It is funny, campy and has some of the best lines ever. When I had he chance to pick some new Funko figures to check out This one was top of the list.