Birthday Wishes to Auntie Tara

Birthday Wishes to Auntie Tara
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00817

Today is Auntie Tara’s birthday and because of that the kids usually sing her Happy Birthday on her voice mail. This year I recorded a video of them singing and well, it turned into a giggle-fest. Once someone starts laughing it makes it harder and harder to get an actual video recorded. so when we finally got a decent one done we sent that and also sent all the bloopers. There was one where when they got to “Auntie Tara” Andy looked like a deer in the headlights because he said the wrong name. Such a moment of panic.

Also, Eva is wearing Auntie Tara’s pants and decided to dress as a pirate. Andy, not wanting to be left out went up and put on his suit to be a life insurance salesman. These silly kiddos.

Easter Snoopy by Andy

Clay Creations
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00816

Andy continues to make some really great clay figures. Today he made a few including an Easter themed Snoopy for his teacher. He knows that she likes Snoopy so he decided to use his clay to make her one of his clay creations.

Dice Tower

Andy is not the only creative one in the house. Eva decided that she would paint her dice tower for Dungeons and Dragons today. This is a build your own dice tower and she must have found it while cleaning and decided that today would be a good day to paint it. I can’t wait to see it finished.

Framed 15th Anniversary Gift

Today we also hung our 15th Wedding Anniversary gift to ourselves up in our bedroom. We were going to hang it in the hallway but there were no real good places to do this so it now hangs on the way next to my side of the bed. It is an original piece of artwork of hand drawn lyrics to our wedding song. The art was created by Ellis Paul who is also the singer/songwriter of our wedding song called ‘Words’. We then had this framed at my cousin Matt’s place The Preservation Framer. It was ready today so we hung it up right away. That is the only way to actually get art on our walls.