Birthday Wishes to Auntie Tara

Birthday Wishes to Auntie Tara
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00817

Today is Auntie Tara’s birthday and because of that the kids usually sing her Happy Birthday on her voice mail. This year I recorded a video of them singing and well, it turned into a giggle-fest. Once someone starts laughing it makes it harder and harder to get an actual video recorded. so when we finally got a decent one done we sent that and also sent all the bloopers. There was one where when they got to “Auntie Tara” Andy looked like a deer in the headlights because he said the wrong name. Such a moment of panic.

Also, Eva is wearing Auntie Tara’s pants and decided to dress as a pirate. Andy, not wanting to be left out went up and put on his suit to be a life insurance salesman. These silly kiddos.