Freshman Sophomore Semi-Formal

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01950

Tonight was Eva’s Freshman Sophomore Semi-Formal. I took some time off in order to get to see her off before she went to the dance. We went to Eva’s friend Miles’ house. His parents hosted all the parents so the kids could get together and take photos before the event. Then Miles’ mom drove all the kids to the dance. I missed out on this last year and I’m glad I got to go this year. Eva was very excited about the dance and she got a new tie for it, too. She also got a really cool looking piece of jewelry that she wanted for Homecoming but was able to wear it tonight.

Eva and friends

Eva has a really nice group of friends. The kids had a nice time together before the dance and also at the dance.

andy had a half day today but the High School did not so I took them over to the Blue Pride Bistro for lunch. Andy had the Blue Pride Burger and said that it was the best burger that they ever tasted. We talked to one of the students there a little about the program. I think that Andy is even more excited about being part of the program when they get to high school.