Board Breaker

Board Breaker
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00806

At Karate they have these break away boards that kids get to break during class on occasion. It is a great way for the kids to keep motivated and feel like they are doing some really cool stuff. Andy broke his board on the second try. I was recording this on video in the mirrors so it is a bit grainy and far away. Hard to get a good shot with the phone this way but I can at least pick the frame I want and got the moment of impact.

Tonight Eva helped me talk about a video series that we love. It is called The Legend of Korra and we recently received a great Steelbook of DVDs that had the whole series and lots of amazing commentary. We discussed it in the video below.

Dungeons & Dragons Video Game DARK ALLIANCE Get a Release Date and Pre-order Site

Dark Alliance

It has been a while since I have played a Dungeons & Dragons video game and I think that the upcoming Dark Alliance is going to be my perfect return. Wow, this looks incredible. I cannot wait to play it and to make some gameplay videos for my channel. The Trailer is for at least Teen Audiences because this will probably be more graphic then what I normally create. Check out the trailer below.

All the information you need for pre-order will be below. Continue reading Dungeons & Dragons Video Game DARK ALLIANCE Get a Release Date and Pre-order Site