Candy Dipped Sugar Cookies by Andy

Sugar Cookie Ducks
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00974

The other day I took Andy to Michael’s to use some of his gift cards from birthday and Christmas. While we were there he chose to pick up some different colored candy melts so that he could make some cookies. He wanted to dip one half in one color and the other half in another and then drizzle some of the melted candy across the top. We convinced him that maybe dipping both sides might be a bit much and so he could dip one half and then drizzle with the other color. I think we have to work on the consistency of the melted candy to make it actually drizzle because when I tried to drizzle the orange on the cookies it plopped down on the cookie and looked like the bill of a duck. So they came out looking like some crazy duck cookies. We didn’t mind because they tasted really good.