Jungle Cruise at the Mendon Drive In

Mendon Drive In
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00947

Tonight we took the kids to see The Jungle Cruise at The Mendon Drive In. This is a really nice place with a great atmosphere. It was mid week so it was not that packed and we had plenty of room to spread out. It was raining so we did not spread out at all. Allison and I stayed under the over of the rear hatch of the car and the kids stayed inside. We got there fairly early and finished playing a game of Phase 10 that we had started the night before. That is a rather long game to play. In the end we simply finished it. No need to declare a winner. FYI: – it was me.

I got some popcorn and we enjoyed some candy and ice cream right before the movie started. We only stayed for the first movie because that one finished around 11pm. That and we had already seen Black Widow and Andy was not going to stay up or want to watch that. We had a nice family night and enjoyed our time there. the rain never did get too bad until we headed home. then it poured and poured.

the Jungle Cruise movie was a fun one. There were some creepy bad guys that bothered Andy but there were also many fun Jungle Cruise jokes at the beginning and the end. Dwayne Johnson can deliver those lines like nobody’s business. I think that Eva really enjoyed the Emily Blunt character, too.

The Things You See On Walks

Moth on a walk
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00946

We went on a walk the other morning and as we walked around the Attleboro gardening club space Allison nearly stepped on this moth. It was on the ground attempting to fly. It stayed still for a moment and I snapped this photo. It is a very beautiful moth. I cannot specifically tell you which type of moth it is but I do like how it looks. the marking look like eyes. Andy said that it made him think of an owl for some reason.

Because it is Summer the karate and krav classes are earlier for the kids. Eva went with me to the morning class and was paired up with my friend’s daughter. We worked this out ahead of time as this was he way we could get both girls to come to class. As long as they did not have to partner with adults they were fine to come to class. I know that Eva liked the intensity of class this morning, it was a a lot of fun. I also like that she gets a little extra time in class because my class is a longer one overall. Andy had class right at the end of our class so we got classes done nice and early in the day. That was good because I spent most of the rest of the day cleaning the back yard. I got that done but now have to do the sidewalks which have become a jungle. The wisteria is insane.