When You Have No Christmas Cookies

Cheez-its and hot chocolate
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01087

I received mugs and hot chocolate as promotional materials for the movie 8-Bit Christmas. I really enjoyed this movie and I am a fan of hot chocolate. I do prefer to have cookies with my hot chocolate but nothing in the house really fit the bill. Eva had made chocolate chip cookies a week and a half ago and even I wasn’t up for them. Plus there were only espresso chip left. I had picked up some of the Gingerbread Oreos and once you scrape out the middle of those they are halfway decent but they just weren’t going to do it for me. I opted for an option that does not go with hot chocolate. I decided on Cheez-Its because I had a craving for those and had bought them on Monday. However, the kids had been tearing through them and I wanted to make sure I got some. So, hence the combination.

Wasn’t half bad.

Today Eva and Allison and I went to see Spider-Man: no Way Home. Andy stayed with Miss. Colleen and Shamrock. They had a nice time. Eva had a great time watching Spider-Man. We talked about the movie on the way home and despite not seeing any of the Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies she enjoyed seeing them in this movie. I loved how they each had pivotal parts to play in the conclusion. I loved the moment with Andrew Garfield and M.J. I definitely teared up on that one. It was a fun movie to watch together.

New Krav Sweatshirt

New Krav Sweatshirt
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01086

Today at Eva’s class I decided to buy myself one of the new Krav Maga sweatshirts from the pro shop. They were doing a 20% off in stock sale and I had been eyeing this sweatshirt. I love my grey one but it is getting quite worn and pilly. That is a word, right?

Today was a day to do a lot of running around. I had my class this morning and then went to get my booster shot for covid. I then ran some errands and picked up Andy for dentist appointments. Then picked up Eva and brought her to class. She was very excited because her friend Maddy was going to be there and Eva was going to be able to give Maddy the gift that she had made her. Eva painted the album cover from one of the bands that both girls enjoy. She did a fantastic job of it, too.