Finished Iron Man 3D Print

Iron Man 3D Print
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01848

I finished my 3D print of Iron Man for my wall last night. IT took 5 hours and two tries to get right but now that it is done I am trying to decide what to do next. Should I just spray paint it a metallic black to make it more of a shadow box type piece of art or do I prime it and paint it iron man’s signature colors istead? Do I add in some LEDs so that parts of it light up? I’m trying to decide exactly what I’d like to do. I think I may look into how I could hide the wires within the print itself in the future to really make the lights work well. To do that, though I’m going to have to learn much more on how to create 3D print files.

My toughest decision, however is where to put this on my walls.