Road Work …

road work
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02030

Our roads are being worked on for the foreseeable future. Eversource is putting in new gas lines in on both our streets. They started with Mary street and then will move on to Summer Street. Our house is right on the corner on the two streets and so we are the set up point for all the equipment. However, they did not leave me the keys so I could do some night work.

Eva’s SCAD Adventure …

Eva and her photography
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02029

Tonight Eva showed us all of her photos and textiles from her time at SCAD. Her photograph class was all about taking photos without a camera. She did some amazing things and was so excited telling us all about her class. She enjoyed Textiles, too but photography was definitely the class that she loved. It was great to hear all about how much she enjoyed her week in Georgia.