New Mic Stand …

new mic stand
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02089

The other day I was watcing Tik Tok and there was an ad for this mic stand. It looked so much better than the one that I had and much cleaner. So, I bought it and while I now get tons of Tik Tok shop ads now, it was worth the purchase. It is much more sturdy than my old one.

National Sons Day 2024 …

Son Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02088

Today was National Sons Day and like National Daughters Day I took a photo of Andy. While this is not Andy’s natural habitat Andy does help out around the house quite a bit. Andy’s after dinner chore is to load the dishwasher and clear the table. We were hanging around in the kitchen and Allison and Eva were goofing around and I caught Andy with a genuine smile. So handsome.