Photo-A-Day #4159
Andrew and I started off our morning by playing some LEGO Dimensions. We played through a couple of the levels together and then we got to a point where we needed Aquaman. I had purchased that Fun Pack a little while ago and I told him. Andrew wanted to go and get it right away so I figured, what the heck, let him open it up and build it. He’d love it. Andrew did a great job building the figure and the vehicle.
When Eva came home we worked on a review for The EXTRAORDINAIRES. She did a great job on it. I will be posting that up separately but you can see the video review for The EXTRAORDINAIRES on YouTube.
We also took out the 3D-Motokits to build them today. I helped Andrew build the Dinosaur (Easy) and Eva built the Elephant (Hard). Eva was done faster than I was. I did have Andrew with me. He decided that he would punch out all the pieces first. Of course, when you are following the directions you need to know which pieces are the ones to use. I installed the motor incorrectly and then had to take it apart. Eva did the same but I was able to pop it out and put it back easily. I was very impressed with how well Eva worked on the 3D-Motokit. The kits are $4.99 each and we received them for free to give an honest review.
Here is the official description of 3D-Motokits. 3D-Motokits™ are do-it-yourself kits that allow children to build their own 3D wind-up toy from a flat, puzzle format in minutes. It’s fun and easy to do. From the flat sheets, punch out of the perforated pieces, assemble, insert the wind-up mechanism and let it go! No tools or glue are required. From flat to 3D to moving toy! The dinosaurs and animals walk and the construction and military vehicles roll.
Tonight at bedtime I read the kids the book, The Very Fluffy Kitty – Papillion. This was sent to me from Disney Hyperion to review. It was the second night in a row that we read this book. Last night the kids were in serious giggle fits after reading it. The illustrations are adorable and the story a cute one. It is the first book by A. N. Kang from South Korea. She based it on her own cat, Papillion. She is also the writer and illustrator of the book. Her work is excellent and we thoroughly enjoyed this one. The book comes out September 6th and will be $16.99 in Hardcover in the US. It is recommended for ages 3-5 but Eva loved it because it is about a fat cat, who isn’t really fat, just fluffy. That is how she feels about James.
The 3D-Motokits sound fun. I think I will have to look into those for my nieces, may be something they would enjoy. Thanks for sharing!