Photo-A-Day #4494
The Kite-A-Pult was sent to us by Tucker Toys for free to play with and review. Opinions are our own.Today we took a break from the beach. Andrew has had enough sun for a while and we decided that the whole family was going to take Eva to Science School this afternoon. While she was in class Allison and I took Andrew over to the Woods Hole Aquarium for a little trip. We hadn’t been yet this season. Our trip was actually one of the longer ones that we’ve done and that ate up plenty of time. Andrew was very excited about all of the fish and really liked the touch tank. He was trying to touch one of the fish in the tank. He was shocked when he actually touched it.
After the aquarium we went over to Coffee Obsession for some cookies and lemonade. Andrew was a bit out of sorts and really tired. He decided that the double chocolate chip cookie that he wanted was not that good so he gave it to me and had mine instead. He didn’t even eat all of it which surprised me. So, when we came home everyone had naps. We all needed it. We were out of our regular routine and were all overtired.
When we woke up I grilled dinner for everyone including Shelby and the cousins. The kids were very excited to play together and have dinner together. A test run for tomorrow night when Eva makes dinner for everyone using the skills she learned at Johnson and Wales. After dinner I took Andrew to the beach to try out the kite-a-pult. More info about that after the video below.
I saw the Kite-A-Pult from Tucker Toys at Sweet Suite and I knew this was something that Andrew would enjoy playing with. Well, that isn’t exactly right, I would have fun playing with it and Andrew could try fling the kite once it got in the air. The toy is for ages 10 and up and Andrew doesn’t quite have the arm strength at 5 1/2 to pull back the Kite-A-Pult and let the kite fly. But he wanted to try, again and again. He kept holding it too close to his face and I was concerned that he would let it go and hit himself. So, while we were testing out the Kite-A-Pult, he was testing my patience. My patience did not fare well. I should have brought the directions with me and then I would have loaded the Kite-A-Pult string through the guide correctly before pulling the thing back as far as it could go and then releasing with such force that the string snapped because there was no slack in the line and the line had no where to go. Rookie mistake that was all on me. A mistake that would prevent me from getting the kite airborne to actually fly it as a kite.
However the Kite-A-Pult has two modes, Kite mode and Glider mode. We did have fun shooting the Kite-A-Pult into the air as a glider. This was, however, when Andrew wanted to try over and over. We did do it where he pulled the kite back and I held the launcher. That worked pretty well. I think that we need to give this toy another go on a windy day in an open field so we can really see what else it can do. I do like the launcher and want to keep it to fly our other kites like the giant jet kite that we have. The launcher is way more substantial then the little ring that came with it.
Any issues we had when using Kite-A-Pult could have been alleviated if I had just watched this training video which does an excellent job explaining how to use Kite-A-Pult..
We are ready for our next go round, though.