In addition to today’s photo I took a bunch of other nice ones. They are up on Flickr.
Yesterday began year 5 of Photo-A-Day. I’ve taken one photo every day for four straight years. When you look at it in one shot it is a huge number of images. People ask me how I could take so many photos. The only way I could do that would be to do a little at a time.
If you are going to accomplish anything worthwhile it is going to take time, every day little by little. Some days I didn’t have the best photos. Some days I had awesome photos. Some days I didn’t want to take a shot. Some days I would take any old thing just to have a picture. But some days I went out looking for something fantastic to shoot. The point is… each day I did something.
There is a saying that was made into a book by a Bill Hogan: How Do You Eat An Elephant? One Bite At A Time! While I don’t want to necessarily put away a pachyderm I do want to get healthy. So in order to do that I have to do something to become more healthy each day. It could be something as simple as avoiding eating a piece of candy or more complex like a nice long workout.
Is there an Elephant You Want to Eat? If so what is it?
I’ve been trying not to eat bread or pasta. Which is not easy cause I do like spaghetti and real homemade bread or those rolled up cinnamon buns. Mmmm. Good luck to you. It isn’t easy to give up something you like.
How is the 31 Day going for you today? I’ve been visiting blogs from the comments on today’s post. Almost every one is visiting me back (from the comment I left on their blog).
Lauras last blog post..100 Steps
Today was a primarily offline day. We had too many things going on to be online. However, I did do as I always do and I replied to every one of my comments on my blog. I’m so glad that you are having such success. I’ll be checking out your blog after I write this response.
I know of people who decided to take progress pictures once they decided to lose weight and had some great success with it.
John Stone from has done a sick natural transformation, and the community in the forums is really helpful. So if you really want to do something that’s a good place to start. You don’t have to want to look like he does, it’s all about getting back in shape again.
The 5 month transformation is crazy.
Love that picture of the hub on my Harley. It goes with what your saying, about a little at a time to accomplish great tasks. If you look closely at the reflection in the hub it reflects the project I’ve been at for years. Renovating the “Compound” otherwise known as Church Street. It’s a work in progress. I won’t say how long it has taken, but each step gets me closer.
I hadn’t even thought of that as I took this picture or wrote this post. But yes, that would certainly qualify. Even the small amount we did yesterday moved us forward to a better overall whole.