Springtime Guests

Photo-A-Day #1803

Hanging out at the house I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw this big guy. Yeah, it was fairly large and crawling along the wall. I watched it for a bit then got me macro lens and shot a few pics of it. Then Oliver knocked it off the wall and I got rid of it.

I think Vimeo is trying to make me buy their professional version. I uploaded a video this morning that I made last night with Eva. I uploaded that video this morning at about 9:00am and it still has not processed. It is a simple 9 minute video book review that I did for Read to Me, Dad and I’d love to post it but have not been able to yet. I like Vimeo overall because it looks cleaner than Youtube and you don’t get that many knuckleheads leaving ridiculous comments. So I enjoy vimeo and am leaning towards paying for the year subscription especially if I am going to do more of these video book reviews for Read to Me, Dad.

I learned how to do a few things today. I learned how to add an opt in box to my facebook fan page and profile. That was pretty good information. With that info I added the sign up e-mail for BenSpark’s Personal Branding BootCamp to mt Facebook profile and to the I’m Not A Famous Blogger “Un-Fan” page.

I also learned about a plug in called Rapportive. I blogged about it over at Blogging Tips.com.

6 thoughts on “Springtime Guests”

  1. The bug and Oliver remind me of my late Mitty the Kitty. When Mitty was young, he was the Greatest Bug Hunter Ever. He’d catch these bugs, spear them on a claw, and then eat them. Crunch, crunch, crunch. His crunching of the bugs kid of grossed me out, but I did appreciate how he would always get rid of the nasty bugs for me. Even if he ate them. Bugs are loaded with protein and actually healthy for cats to eat, even if we find it gross.

    All the cats we have now are lazy, and we have to kill any bugs ourselves. Gack.
    .-= Look at what Christine wrote blog ..Assorted Stuph =-.

      1. Allison,

        Once in a while he catches and eats the bugs but he did not have an easy time of it last night. The bug dropped into the baseboard and Oliver doesn’t have opposable thumbs. He couldn’t pinch.

    1. Christine,

      I was afraid that Oliver would have let the bug get away, sometimes he is too slow. Also the bug was in the corner and then the baseboards so I figured it would get away before Oliver could finish him off.

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