Photo-A-Day #4661
On our full day at Great Wolf Lodge we started off slowly by hanging around the room and doing some coloring and having breakfast. Then we headed downstairs to do a few of the things that did not involve water. The kids wanted to get their Clubhouse Crew characters and also do MagiQuest. We went to the store where the stuffed animals are made and Eva got Brinley the bear and Andrew got Sammy the Squirrel. Then Eva wanted to go right to MagiQuest so she and Allison did that. Andrew and I did the Clubhouse crew adventure. This is a simple adventure where you take the stuffed animal and go station to station on a little adventure. Through the activity you meet the entire ClubHouse Crew and you also get familiar with the places downstairs at the lodge.
We completed that adventure and then did more MagiQuest. Eva became a Master Magi and got a special ceremony to get her badge. Allison went back up tot he room and I took Andrew through to get his Master Magi badge as well. He didn’t want the ceremony, tough. And then it was time for lunch up in the room and time to change for the water park.
After lunch we checked out all that the park had to offer. We were given some new Frogglez from the company including their new Masterz (Rayz) that are adult sized. I didn’t read something right and didn’t put the big enough connectors on mine so they were a bit tight. But it was nice to have some goggles on that did not pull. The kids have had theirs for a couple years and LOVE them. We gave Andrew the junior sized Masterz and they fit him perfectly.
After many trips along the lazy river, down the Otter and Canyon River runs we were tired and so we took showers and then headed down the road to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. We could have stayed at the Lodge but the prices are high so we were going to just go for burgers or buffalo wings. The kids were arguing about where to go so I picked Outback instead. It was a tasty meal.
Then it was back to the Lodge where the kids wanted to do the arcade and a couple of their other Paw Pass things like candy and a new leather bracelet. Andrew wanted to do the arcade so I put $20 on a Paw Points card and that gave both kids 40 points to play with. Andrew had been seeing people playing the Claw game and he wanted a giant Narwhal ball. The problem is these are games of chance and he doesn’t quite get it. We explained everything to him and tried to help but he hit the button immediately and got nothing. He was upset and insisted that he wanted to try again. He did and didn’t get anything then either. He tried to get a smaller stuffed Narwhal, too and didn’t win that either.
Eva on the other hand played games that she enjoyed like Fruit Ninja and a fishing game to earn tickets. She earned about 155 tickets and Andrew had earned about 60. When all the points were used up Andrew was sad that he didn’t win anything (He had spent his points on chance games). Eva, always the sweet big sister didn’t want him upset so she suggested that the kids split the 214 points that they had together to get some things at the prize counter. She is a great big sister.
We finished up the night in the room watching Netflix on our Cinemood. The kids lay down in their bed and the projector shone on the ceiling. They drifted off to bed but I slept terribly. I missed my bed and pillow (the Snuggle-Pedic), big time.