Allison’s Birthday Snickers Waffle

Photo-A-Day #3564

Today was Allison’s birthday. I had to work so most of the day I was asleep. The kids made up for that by getting up super early. I don’t think she thought that was a good trade-off. Here was the morning.

5:30 am: Mom, I just used the last of the toilet paper upstairs.
6:00 am: Mom? Can me and Andrew go downstairs? Can we used the window markers?
6:10 am: mom, where are the window markers??
Andrew passing me on the stairs with a mouth full: I weally wike candy!!

The kids are so sweet and want to do things special for Allison for her birthday but as you know, kids on their own usually means more work for mom and dad. Eva was into her elaborate phase again and she was planning another spa day for Allison. We kind of got that to pull back a little. Eva did do something quite sweet. Allison took the kids to Target and Eva took along her purse with $1.06 inside. She went through the dollar spot and picked up something for Allison for her birthday.

For dinner we got some pizza from Eli’s and made some Snickers Waffles. The waffles were actually being made for a blog post that I am doing on Monday. The waffles came out great and were good for a Birthday Cake substitute.

Happy Birthday, Allison.