And The Day Just Got Worse From There

hello old friend
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01630

This morning Allison woke me at 7am to let me know that our neighbor Joannie was outside because her hot water heater was spewing water. I got up, got dressed and grabbed the wet vac. I went over and shut everything off for her and then started sucking up the water. The day did not improve.

Well, the bright shining spots of the day were Krav and Jr. Krav classes. Those are always a highlight and help us out with everything else going on.

After Krav I ran home quick to shower and then turned right around to go to Andy’s school. Allison and I had to meet with the principal and a counselor regarding Andy. Suffice to say, this was not a good meeting. We had already decided that Andy would not be returning to this school in the Fall. We’re enrolling them in public school instead. This year was a terrible year for Andy. The kids in Andy’s class singled Andy out to bully and tease relentlessly. We want Andy to be happy and that can not possibly happen at this school with those kids.

Jr. Krav was better, Andy and Eva received stripes on their stripe test. This means that Andy is moving up to purple belt and it also means lots of equipment for us to buy. For Eva this means she is closer to eligibility to test for her First Degree Black Belt. Having just gone through that myself, it is no small thing and we’re going to work on conditioning and more this Summer.