Andrew’s Little Dragons Green Belt

Andrews Green Belt
Photo-A-Day #4635

Today was a big old run around day. Gym in the morning and then over to Andrew’s School to see his Christmas play. He was one of the two Joseph’s in the pageant. He got to say the line to the innkeeper about needing a room. Then he and Mary knelt by the manger with baby Jesus. It was adorable and I was all smiles as I watched him. Then all the kids sang their cute little songs for christmas and I continued to beam with pride at my son doing such a great job singing. He was so cute and happy. He had been snapping his fingers every single day just for one of the songs in the show. He is so proud of being able to snap his fingers.

After the show I ran over to one of my work’s offices to get the yearly Christmas gift, a Kosher Turkey. While we are not Jewish I’ve just learned that the Kosher turkeys just taste better. We usually save the turkey for Popes-mas. That is a dinner that we have with some good friends each year.

Later in the afternoon Andrew, Eva and I went to Karate for Andrew’s green belt ceremony. I am very proud of him for earning his green belt. I looked back on my facebook memories and at this time a year ago Andrew earned his yellow belt. He’s getting better every session. Not more well-behaved, but learning some better moves. He was not well-behaved in the session until I looked over at him, and not beaming with a big smile. Nope, more of a very stern look that the behaviour was not Black Belt Behavior. We’re still working on that.