Andy’s Leopard Cake

Leopard Cake
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00896

On the first day of vacation for the kids while mom was at school ad dad was sleeping seems to be the best time for Andy to get creative with food. It is going to be a long Summer. Last night Allison made a couple of round cakes for Andy because he wanted to make a Leopard cake. In my mind I figured that he’d take one cake and cut it up to be ears and whatnot for the leopard. Nope. He went and made a giant cake ball cake shaped roughly like a leopard. Then he also made rocks and grass with the frosting and extra cake. While he is quite creative he isn’t much for looking at a recipe and following directions.

In the end Allison saved the frosting for him so that he could create the cake. There were some touch and go moments and made things a bit tricky for us but we got through it.