Andy’s Relationship With Karate

Joy at Karate
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01241

Andy has been taking Karate since he was 4 years old. He’s earned ranks through his years as a Little Dragon and he is at Advanced Red in Karate Kids. This past year he has expressed a desire to stop training in karate. He no longer enjoys it. He does not want to pursue a black belt in karate. He’s going to finish out June and then take July and August off. When September rolls around he’s going to go back and train for 3 months and then he’ll be 11 and he’ll be able to start Jr. Krav if he wants to. He has expressed to me that this is what he would like to do. He sees that Krav has more action and you are constantly doing things. I’d love to see him do this. I really want him to have something that is so beneficial to his self confidence. However, just because it has been great for me and for Eva doesn’t mean that it will be the same for Andy but we can hope that he likes it more.