Andy’s Sharp New Haircut

Andys Haircut
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00866

Andy went for a haircut today. Allison told me that when she picked him up his barber, Zack, was thrilled to have Andy come in. They have a nice time together talking video games and playing brain teasers. Zack said that Andy was very polite and well behaved. As a parent that is great to hear. Before the pandemic I would sit in the waiting room and listen to Andy and Zack talk together. Andy is always happy to come in and get a haircut and that has so much to do with how he and Zack get on together. Before I started shaving my head myself I would go to Zack, too. He enjoys talking comic books and movies with me. So it was nice to hear about how well Andy behaves when we are not around.