ANT-MAN Screening

Photo-A-Day #3748

Tonight I saw the movie ANT-MAN at a press screening. My thoughts and opinions and review on the movie are under embargo until the movie is released this Friday. I can tell you this. I enjoyed it. So did my friend Brian from Built From Bricks. He and I drove up to Boston in my new car, a Kia Forte and had plenty to talk about. Much of which was my not so fun adventure in getting the car. What follows below is a rant about my experience with the dealership.

I needed to replace my current vehicle which was a 2002 Honda Civic EX. I bought that car new and drove it for 13 years. The car owed me nothing but it got me to the dealership last Friday so I could trade it in towards a 3 year lease. I went into the dealership around 12:30. The place was dead. I met the sales guy and told him what I wanted to spend a month and asked if there was something he had for that price. We took a test drive in the forte and I enjoyed it. Then we haggled price because the initial offer came in at $60 more a month than I was willing to spend. I got it down to $25 more than I wanted and figured I’d go see the finance guy and be off. Nope. I was at the Dealership for 4 hours. Most of that time was waiting for my sales guy to let me know what was next. So he left me for hours at a time. People were milling about and I felt really out of the loop. Finally around 1:45 or so he tells me that I can meet with the finance guy at 2:30, so more waiting. I didn’t meet with that guy until 3:30 or so because the guy before me had some finance troubles. All the while I was under the impression that the car was getting prepared for me, washed up and gassed up and ready to go. My sales guy even said that we’d get me on the road.

Well, I finally saw the finance guy and when I got out my sales guy had run to the store. He left. He just left and when he came back he told me that I could not take the car that day. I would have to come back on Monday at 11:00.

Well, today was Monday. I came home from work and slept. Then, when I woke up around 1pm I had a message saying that the car would be ready at 2 or 2:30. I called immediately and got voice mail. I said that I was coming in and the car better be ready at 2:#0 because I had to get to something at 4pm. I got a call back, message because I was in the shower, telling me that I should come at 4pm. Argh! I called and spoke to the sales guy and told him that 4pm wasn’t going to work. I was going to have Brian in my driveway waiting to go to see ANT-MAN.

I went to the dealership at 3pm. The car wasn’t ready. I basically stood there arms crossed tapping my foot and my watch like, come one, let’s go. At 4:05 the sales guy is putting the plates on the car. He says to me that they put a rush on the paperwork. When the hell did they put a rush on, when they saw me come through the door? And I still have to go back and get my old plates tomorrow.