Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Arrrgh Ya Ready to Set Sail with Pirates, Again?

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Yes, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was really crazy and hard to follow and you might be wondering why a fourth Pirates movie was even made but I saw this one. Heck I saw them all and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides was one of the best, good story, fun movie overall. I’m excited for the DVD and Blu-ray release. So, in anticipation for Disney’s October 18th release of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES on Blu-ray 3D & Blu-ray Hi-Def Combo Pack, I am able to present you with this booty of video clips from the brand new bonus features! In addition, we’ve got activities, crafts, and recipes that make for sweet trade.

Pirate Compass Pirate Puzzles Pirate Oat Planks


Piece of the Ride (Bonus)

Boy’s Dream Come True (Bonus)

Johnny’s Return to Pirates (Bonus)

In Search of the Fountain: Intro (Bonus)

From Black Pearl to Revenge (Bonus)

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