At the Beach…

The past two days I mentioned that we’ve taken Eva to the beach and into the water to swim. However, I did not provide any photographic evidence of this. Luckily I have the Sanyo Xacti EC1 and it is waterproof. So we were able to get some shots while in the water.

My Beach babes

Eva just loves the water, we just take her right in, dip her toes a little and then up to her knees and we progressively get her into the water and hold her close to us so she stays warm. She ends up enjoying getting right in.

Eva and Daddy

Spinning her in circles is one of her favorite things. She also likes being lifted so high quickly and splashing back to the water.

Playing with Rocks

We worked on Eva’s dexterity and ability to pick things up by passing her rocks and shells that she could hold and pinch. Luckily she didn’t try to put too many in her mouth. She enjoyed her purple pail and shovel as well.

Having something to drink

With all this beach time this beach time Eva gets some sun. We make sure that she does not get too much and make sure to slather on sunscreen, make her wear a cover up and hats as well. We also got her a pop up sunscreen/tent. We used it for the first time yesterday. I threw out the directions to put it back into the carry case. Who needs ’em!

I was wrong…

I went back to the house to shower and do a little on the computer. Next thing I know, Allison is at the door and tells me that everyone at the beach has tried to get the thing back in the bag with no luck. So I went over to get this taken care of. It should have been simple but I had a huge audience full of only the peanut gallery. Everyone being “helpful” You know what is the most helpful to me, shutting the heck up. Overall it was funny because it was that sort of frustration that isn’t life threatening but rather a bit annoying. I finally did wrestle the thing into some semblance of a circle and shoved it back into the bag. Was it done right? Probably not. Was it done? Yep!

6 thoughts on “At the Beach…”

  1. Thanks Steve and Aisha,
    Eva had a great time at the beach. She just loves the water and the waves.

  2. I love EVERY SINGLE PHOTO you take of Eva, omg. That first one of her and Allison? I’d frame that one if I were you? And the one of her sitting there with the hat and the pail, too. I wish we had a clean beach around here to swim in, all we have is former gravel pits full of weeds and slime, ick.

    Elizabeth’s last blog post..Winner of Definitely, Maybe DVD prize pack

  3. Elizabeth,
    Thank you, I merely hold the camera aim and shoot, Eva does all the hard work. There are so many of the photos that we should frame and we will, hopefully. I just have to get my butt in gear and do it. We have none on the walls except for the one that Allison got me for Father’s day.

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