All posts by Drew is about my life through photography. Each image is a gateway to a story about my daily life. Occasionally funny, inspiring, interesting or creative is real life in photos. With over 4200 consecutive days and many different cameras has documented images from the mundane to the amazing.

Photo-A-Day #507 08/28/06

Today I had an eye Dr. Appointment, a check up on the eye surgery and a new prescription for glasses. Then I ordered some glasses. I’m going to take my old glasses frames and get some new sunglasses made out of them. I still like them and they fit me well but it is time for a new look. So in 7 – 10 days when the new ones come in there will be a photo.

Today’s photo is of some miniature foxglove that is in the front of the house. It is one of the weeds that in years past were pulled. That is until Tara let them grow and we realized that they were actually some pretty flowers. This past Saturday Dad and I did a clean up of the side yard and part of the back yard. It looks great now.