All posts by Drew is about my life through photography. Each image is a gateway to a story about my daily life. Occasionally funny, inspiring, interesting or creative is real life in photos. With over 4200 consecutive days and many different cameras has documented images from the mundane to the amazing.

Photo-A-Day #498b 08/19/06

Weird day for it but I just found this picture. My Dad had me take it on the front porch of the Cape house. This is Taylor sleeping on her spot on the front porch. She looked so relaxed and peaceful on a beautiful day.

Last night Dad, Tara, Erik, Allison and I watched Dirty jobs and Dad reminded me about this picture. I thought I had accidentally deleted it but I had not. In fact I meant to put it up but was using my grandfather’s computer and had so much trouble posting that I just saved it for later, then forgot about it.

Photo-A-Day #508 08/29/06

Tonight Allison and I met Neil and Andrea for dinner at the Outlaw BBQ. This is a nice place for BBQ. We got our complimentary basket of Hush Puppies and then ordered another basket. These are the tastiest Hush Puppies around. We are spoiled when we go to other places because they just can’t match the goodness of these Hush Puppies. We had a good time. Andrea has lent Allison her old camera so we may be seeing photos from Allison in the future.

Leave a message if you want Allison to post photos on the blog.