Today we drove up to the Christmas Farm Inn. Last year we went and stayed at this Inn for the first time. It was a new family tradition that we were starting for the immediate family. Just Allison and I and the kids. We just wanted to get away and slow down for a couple of days. It was just what we needed and so when we got a message with prices at 50% off for this year we booked to come again. This time around we didn’t have to drive in a blizzard and the ride did not take 7+ white knuckled hours.
On the way up we stopped at the Poor People’s Pub once again. It is a total townie place but when I was a kid it was the best place to go and we loved it so much. I have such fond memories of this restaurant that I just have to take the kids there on these trips. Eva and I shared a pepperoni pizza, Allison got a meatball sub and Andrew a hot dog. The kids colored in some pictures from 1989 and we had a great time.

We got up to the Christmas Farm Inn pretty early but driving can be tiring so we just hung out and did some coloring. I bought Allison and myself some of the Crayola adult coloring kits and then Andrew got a fun Minions kit for his birthday and Eva already had a great looking Virtual Design studio set. We just relaxed, colored, had some snacks and watched a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
Once the kids went to bed Allison and I watched Jurassic World. We hadn’t watched a movie in such a long time. There is just so much good TV on that we are always clearing out the DVR. I’ve seen all the Jurassic Park movies and read the books. Allison saw the original movie and despite that it was still enjoyable for her. We both agreed that the original was way more suspenseful but that could be that we saw it in the theater and not a tiny TV. But thanks to Mike and Ike candy we got this movie for free to enjoy plus a bunch of great Mike and Ike Candy.

It was a nice start of a couple of days together as a family.