Batman/Fortnite Zero Point Comic Book 5 Escape!? Traitor Revealed ! Are I.O. Agents Jonesy Clones?

Batman Zero Point Comic Issue 5
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00898

I picked up two copies of the Batman Fortnite Zero Point comic book. One is for me to have and the other is for a giveaway that I’ll be hosting starting in two weeks when the final issue is released. At that point people will be able to enter to win all six of the issues and with that they will get all of the special cosmetics that were included in each of the comics.

I actually had the comic for over a week ahead of the release date of today. I even tried to redeem the code a week early but it did not open up until today. This has been a great comic that has revealed information about the Fortnite island as well as some great Batman action. I can’t wait to get the final Batman outfit. You only get it if you’ve redeemed all six of the codes. I did a review on my daily vlog.