Photo-A-Day #2074
Today we drove down to Harwichport to my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Roger’s place for the annual Christmas party. Each year we gather together to share good food, some gifts and lots of fun.In this photo my grandfather is holding a very special frame. The frame was made by my cousin Scott of That’s my Ticket. He took tickets from a Boston Red Sox / Baltimore Orioles game that I attended with my father and grandfather this past year for my Grandfather’s 80th birthday. Scott took our tickets and a few photos that I took at the game and then put them together along with a write up I did of the trip. We had a fantastic trip and this is such a great keepsake. My cousin did a fantastic job on the frame.
This year my aunt baked a bunch of sugar cookies and put together some decorations as well as frosting and coconut. The little kids had a great time making special cookies. Eva loved it. She decorated cookies for herself and also for my Dad. she was so proud of herself too.
As we each left we selected a present from the pile. They were marked adult male, adult female and child. They were marked that way because each person was asked to bring a present wrapped and noted as adult Male, Adult Female and child. Instead of going out and buying presents we were to bring something gently used from home. We came home with some nice presents and great memories.
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