This was posted to the FuelMyBlog blog by me.

Happy New Year’s to all of my blogging friends on the FuelMyBlog community and elsewhere. Today’s topic is basically my blogging resolutions for the year of 2008. they are in no particular order of importance.
1. – Consistently blog each Tuesday for FuelMyBlog.
2. – Continue to blog on The BenSpark on a Daily Basis.
I’ve been 365 before 365 was cool.
3. – Continue with the Photo-A-Day Project
On Thursday I will hit the 1000 Photos milestone.
4. – Keep my blogs clean and quick loading
5. – Consistently post to each of my other blogs a couple times a week.
They are listed in the footer of this post.
6. – Make double the income I did in 2007 through my blogs.
7. – Shoot at least 6 Wired Kayaker Podcasts
8. – Learn to be a better Photographer
9. – Get control of my Diabetes.
10. – Love every minute of life in 2008 with my family.
Drew writes many blogs, is an avid kayaker and a Transformers fan, he also takes at least one photo every single day and posts it to his main blog, You can visit him at BenSpark, BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo, Flatwater Tech, The Wired Kayaker, Read To Me, Dad and Google is Not God