Photo-A-Day #4110
You never get any sleep at conferences. I was up last night trying to post my video and then maybe write up the blog post, but that did not happen. I was right up at 5am because I got selected to be a volunteer to help set up the New Products Expo. I walked around the expo asking people if they needed any help. Not many people took me up on it until I got to the Soleurs booth. Soleurs makes these amazing sunglasses. I helped them set up their entire booth and then did trash take out for other companies. The four hours of volunteer time went by quickly.
After volunteering I then got to go through the expo and meet with a bunch of companies before the Peanuts Lunch. I went through one of the floors visiting all the companies on that floor.
The Peanuts lunch was nice. I found a table and connected with a couple of Rhode Island bloggers who told me about a Rhode Island blogging group. I’d love to connect with that group because I’ve been looking for more local bloggers to do events with.
The luncheon was good but once it was over I was back up in the expo talking to more brands. There were quite a few booths in the expo and so many companies to see. I had a great time meeting with everyone.
I was loaded down with a ton of great swag and it was a warm day. I went and headed back to the hotel room so that I could drop off my bag of swag. I didn’t want to carry it with me through the rest of the day.
Once I returned from the hotel room I enjoyed the boat ride up the Hudson. It was fun hanging out with my friends and chatting about all sorts of things. I met some great people from a YouTube network. I wish I had met these people about three years ago when I made the mistake to join another network that doesn’t help me at all.
Once the boat was back, Tim and I walked back to the hotel and then caught a cab to see Stomp. I had won tickets to see the show and it was a great. We had an awesome time there. Before we caught a cab back to the hotel we stopped and got a slice of pizza. It was a great New York thing to do. Another late night so no time to write anything, but I did get the video out.