Boot Camp Begins

Boot Camp Begins
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01563

Tonight began Black Belt Boot Camp. I have three nights of this for the next 3 Friday nights leading up to the Black Belt Pre-Test. Each Boot Camp session goes for about an hour or so. During them we are evaluated and receive all sorts of great feedback about our techniques, things to think about, things to improve. I was in much better shape tonight than the evaluation. It looks like a group of people will run after each boot camp as well. I did not go on the run with them tonight but I will plan on doing so in the coming weeks.

One thing that the Senseis did that I don’t recall them doing the first time I went to boot camp was formally have us retie our belts to have Black on Top signifying that we are making a commitment to boot camp. That felt really good to retie that belt. I can’t even imagine how good it will feel to tie on an actual black belt.