Brunch with Santa at Angelina’s

Photo-A-Day #3899

Santa and all the kids

Each year we try and go to brunch with Santa. We’ve been doing it for a number of years and it is very fun for the kids and for us. We go with my parents and this year we also went with my sister, Shelby and her kids and Grandpa Rick. the kids did pretty well with Santa. Dylan, Andrew and Eva are old pros with Santa but Kylie is a little new with the whole thing. She was a bit upset sitting on Santa’s lap but she got better as time went on. She was much better when it was Shelby and Dylan on Santa’s lap.

Eva and Andrew with Santa

The kids love seeing Santa. The Santa that we see most often is Uncle Howard. For years the kids have seen him multiple times but Eva has only begun to suspect anything last year. This year she mentioned again that Santa looks like Uncle Howard. She was excited that Santa calls her the same thing thing that Uncle Howard does. She either knows and is playing us or she is someone who really wants to believe. I think that she really wants to believe. She may even be aware of everything and is trying to preserve the magic for her brother. That is definitely something that she would go.