Building Like Grandfather

Photo-A-Day #3820

Building Like GrandfatherI take Andrew to Play Group each week. This is something that is freely offered through the schools of our city. It is a great program where kids come in and play but also learn important skills for getting ready for school. Andrew and I have been going to Play Group regularly for the past few years. Play group has been a great experience for both of us. It is perfect for getting out of the house and having fun in a fun environment. I have needed this program just so I could get out of the house and do something with Andrew each week. coming up with activities and adventures is exhausting.

Today at Play Group Andrew decided that he would take apart the foam hopscotch game and then put it all back together using some play tools. He spent most of the time today doing that. Some play with play doh but mostly breaking and rebuilding the hopscotch.