There is an interesting website out there called Thoof. Thoof learns about the type of stories that you might like and presents them to you. And you in turn can decide if you like a story or you are going to dismiss it as not interesting. You are in control over the personalized news that is delivered your way. And that is not the only thing about Thoof that is interesting. In fact if you generate content and submit it to Thoof then you can see how interesting the content is to other readers. This interest takes the form of ThoofRank.
ThoofRank is the percentage which your article is of interest to readers. The lower the percentage the lower interest your article has for it. And stories start out low in ThoofRank and as more people read the story and find it interesting your ThoofRank will increase. And unlike some other sites you aren’t going to get an overinflated rank and neither will anyone else because there is no way to game the ThoofRank system. I posted an article about BenSpark’s August Add It Up Contest. Here is the ThoofRank Widget that I can post on my blog regarding the story. I’ll also attach it to the actual story here on this blog.
Submitting your own stories to Thoof is very simple. First choose a post that has come meaning, something interesting and then sign into Thoof. There is a tab at the top of the page that says Submit Story. Click that tab and you are brought to the story submission screen. Here you can grab the Thoof It bookmark and that will make your story submissions much easier. I had already bookmarked the Thoof it tag and so I opened up the FuelMyBlog Blog and went into my recent Tech Tuesday with BenSpark post. I clicked the Thoof it bookmark and was immediately transported to the submit story screen. However the link to the story as well as the title were already filled out. All I had left to do was write a short summary of the content of the story and add some keywords that users could use to search for a story like this.
Here is the ThoofRank badge for that story.
Thoof is a pretty fun site and there are many interesting stories on Thoof. I’ll be submitting more of them in the future.
so how does this differ from say digg – easier to use and get listed?
This is much easier to use and get listed and what is different about it is that with Digg you can see ow many people have Dugg a news item, with Thoof you read stories and mark them as not interesting. Then stories similar will not be presented to you. Also you do not see how many people have “dugg” a story, you make the determination on your own. And you can list your own stories very easily.
ah i see – ounds good – might pay a visit then
I have to spend a little more time there so my personal news is more in tune to my likes. People post a lot of junk all over, sometimes it is tough to wade through.
Just wondering, thoof don’t have any categories of story. It is quite difficult to search only with search facilities.
btw, is thoof will allow website owner to submit their own story? I mean, story that exist in our own website? while digg will not allow to do that.
You can submit your own story on Thoof. I’m not sure if Digg will allow you or not. You can search by keyword on Thoof I think.