Category Archives: Blogging

IZEA Insider: First Look at Sponsored Tweets

No doubt you have been hearing about Sponsored Tweets all over Twitter. Danny Brown event ponders whether this is the future of Twitter. Maybe it’s just me who is because I stalk Ted Murphy and anything said about him and IZEA using TweetDeck. I kid, not about the stalking, I’ve seen talk of Sponsored Tweets everywhere. It kicked off big time about a month ago when the story came out well before the site was ready and before anyone was using the service. Since that time I’ve had the privilege of being one of the first people to use Sponsored Tweets.

As with PayPerPost v4.0 (link is #spon) it is a really stripped down stream lined process. Tweeters sign in to Sponsored Tweets and they are authenticated by Oauth so you don’t need to leave your twitter ID and password.

When a Tweeter sets up their account they have a few choices to make.

What will they charge per tweet or per click. Will you write your own Twitter or will the advertiser? How do I wanted to be notified, via e-mail or a DM on Twitter. And what type of content will I tweet content suitable for Everyone, for Mature Audiences or Adult. I’m not thrilled with the adult option on this or PayPerPost v4.0. The Tweeter must also choose their category and provide some keywords to help advertisers pick the correct people for their messages. The screen looks like this.


So you can see that the interface is pretty simple and it should be. You want to be able to go in, update your information and see what opportunities you have available. This now brings us to the second tab and that is the Opportunities tab. This is where you see the opportunities that advertisers have for you. You can see what ones are being offered, which ones are pending and the ones that you have completed. I completed two opportunities from advertiser IZEA.


Now, I don’t know the exact date when this is going to be available to the general public but it is going to be soon so you want to be ready. To make sure that you know as soon as the doors open you need to sign up at

Mad Gringo Comes Through With Great Swag

Distributing Mad Gringo Swag

When I decided to get Jimmy Buffett tickets this year I tweeted that I had a bunch and maybe people might want to go. I got a message from Mad Greg at Mad Gringo. He said he wanted to go and he’d bring a ton of swag for the tailgating. Well, things happen in life and Greg couldn’t make it however he sent me a box of great Mad Gringo Swag! I was able to make many people very happy!

At the Buffett Concert
Allison and I get ready to distribute the swag.

Steve Sporting the Mad Gringo Ball Cap
Steve Sporting the Mad Gringo Ball Cap

Jim Sporting a Mad Gringo T-Shirt
Jim Sporting a Mad Gringo T-Shirt

Kelly and the Jellyfish Purse
Kelly and the Jellyfish Purse

A Trio of pals with Mad Gringo Swag
A Trio of pals with Mad Gringo Swag

Peace and a Mad Gringo Bumper Sticker
Peace and a Mad Gringo Bumper Sticker

Elizabeth and a Mad Gringo Bumper Sticker
Elizabeth and a Mad Gringo Bumper Sticker

Bill in a Mad Gringo T-Shirt and Lauren in the Mad Gringo Saraong
Bill in a Mad Gringo T-Shirt and Lauren in the Mad Gringo Saraong

Mad Gringo and I gave those folks a fantastic Tailgating experience.